
The MLA has been a proponent of safe water activities on Mississippi Lake for years and has promoted safe water practices through their website and social media presence. In recent years, the number of boats and personal watercraft (PWC) on the Lake has increased. This was especially noticeable during the 2020 season.
Combined with increased traffic on the Lake, there was also a noticeable increase in unsafe boating activities. Many property owners on the Lake have expressed concern with this increase and the MLA shares that concern. To that end, the MLA has created the Water Safety Initiative project as a means to increase public awareness, increase safety measures being used on the lake and generally, to create a safer environment for all those who use our Lake for recreational activities.
The Issues

Boat and PWC speed
Boat and PWC noise levels
Unsafe boating practices
People on watercraft without PFDs
Overloading of boats
Boats towing skiers/’pull alongs’ without both diver and spotter on board
PWC towing water-toys with too many people aboard
Unsafe activity involving alcohol, refueling, navigation, age limits, safety gear and weather
Boating at night without lights
Extending beyond 15 feet into the lake without appropriate marking
Separate boat lifts and swimming platforms out in the lake without reflective markings or lights
Without PFDs
Without spotters/buddies
Out in middle of lake without a spotter/buddy or without high visibility markings
Water Safety - What is on our Radar

As a follow-on from the webinar hosted a few years ago the MLA has engaged in the following activities to keep the importance of water safety on the front burner.
As a member of the Safe Quiet Lakes/Decibel Coalition we have been following the progress of discussions with the Transport Canada to enact legislation to control boat noise.
A safe boating card and buoy map has been produced to remind boaters of safety regulations. Cards are available at some boat launches and local marine shops
The MLA follows various fora of Transport Canada dealing with recreational boating and will post relevant information.
Maintaining contact with the OPP on water safety issues.

Supporting Material
Decibel Coalition - a sub-component of the SQL initiative with the objective to enhance existing boat muffler legislation to include decibel limits.
Muskoka Lakes Association and Safe Quiet Lakes Webinar – Wakes, Speed and Noise Webinar
Transport Canada Documents
Transport Canada responds to questions on the subject of the use of Signs and Buoys
Simple Guide to Watercraft Safety
Looking for a new boat- check out this site.
Learn to Paddle - Paddle Canada site