SQL and Decibel Coalition
Several years ago, the MLA joined an initiative called Safe and Quiet Lakes (SQL). This organization, while focused on lakes in the Muskokas, addresses concerns that many of our lakes share:
• Safe lakes for everyone who wants to use the lake
• Quiet lakes that allow everyone to enjoy the sounds of nature and be able to speak at normal voice levels
• Sustainable environments so that we can all share this resource with future generations
The MLA has also taken an active interest in a related project, the Decibel Coalition, which is a national group of stakeholders whose objective is to enhance existing legislation in the Small Vessel Regulations SQR/2010-91 to include performance standards for boat motor noise set, in decibel limits, for both on the water owner/operator and boat importers and manufacturers.
As part of this coalition, the MLA has participated in several petitions and letter writing campaigns to politicians, Transport Canada staff, and the House of Commons Transport Committee. We have also shared information in our e-newsletter Your Mississippi Minute about the work of SQL and the Decibel Coalition. And, a number of your MLA Directors attended a recent Canadian Marine Advisory Council (CMAC) 3-day meeting in which the Decibel Coalition presented their rationale for reducing boating decibel levels to the CMAC Board.