Invasive Aquatic Species Awareness
Invasive species are one of the greatest threats that Canada faces with respect to the survival of our wild animal and plant life. These species arrive unexpectedly and often, accidentally and quickly establish themselves in the absence of natural predators. These species cost Canada billions of dollars in losses to forestry, agriculture, fisheries and other industries.
Our lake is not immune to these invaders and the MLA has spent considerable time learning about these species, surveying where they are in the lake and working on public outreach and educational campaigns to help ensure that no new species enter our busy lake.
OFAH Grant Information
In 2021, the MLA was awarded a grant from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) to help increase awareness of invasive species as a threat to our lake. Read the report here.
As a result of partnering with the Invasive Species Center, the MLA was also awarded a $1,000.00 grant in 2021 for future work on educating the public regarding the control and management of invasive species. A laminated Field Guide is being developed that will be made available to volunteers who participate in the annual Invasive Species Survey.
After receiving the MLA application for this project, OFAH Zone F liked the idea so much that they went ahead and installed around 25-30 additional signs around different Lanark County and Mississippi Watershed lakes and rivers.
In 2021, the MLA organized a training and information webinar on Invasive Species to help train our volunteers who participate in the Invasive Species Survey. Check out the training presentation here and learn more about the work the MLA did with the Invasive Species Centre.
Doreen Donald, Chair of the Environment Team submitted a grant request to the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH), Zone F to purchase and install signs at several locations around our lake. OFAH provided a $250.00 grant to the MLA to purchase the required supplies to install the signs and the signs themselves were provided by the Federation of Cottagers Association (FOCA) free of charge.
Four signs were installed at primary boat launch points on Mississippi Lake. At each of these locations , there was no previous signage regarding invasive species. The intent of the posting of these signs is to promote awareness of the importance of boat cleanliness to help control the transfer of invasive species in the lake.
Training Presentation of Invasive Species
In 2021, Doreen Donald, Chair of the Environment Team, partnered with the Invasive Species Centre, to develop a training program to help our volunteers who participated in the annual Invasive Species Survey around the lake. A webinar was hosted and members of various lake communities were invited to attend the training session. Approximately 60 people attended the session.
Subsequent to that webinar, the MLA hosted another webinar specific to our lake. The presentation used for the webinar, developed by Doreen, outlined general information about invasive species, specific information on the invasive species in our lake and also provided an overview of other invasive species, both aquatic and terrestrial that may become an issue for our lake at some point in the future. If you’re interested, the presentation can be viewed here.
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