Environment Team
Ongoing Projects
Invasive Aquatic Species Awareness
Invasive species are one of the greatest threats that Canada faces with respect to the survival of our wild animal and plant life. These species arrive unexpectedly and often, accidentally and quickly establish themselves in the absence of natural predators. These species cost Canada billions of dollars in losses to forestry, agriculture, fisheries and other industries.
Loon Survey
There's something very Canadian in listening to the haunting call of the Loon. Besides music to our ears and memories of happy cottage or camping times, the Loon also provides a very good gauge of the water quality of our lakes. No Loons...? Not Good! So, keeping track of the Loon population is a good way to supplement and corroborate water quality assessments from other projects that the MLA works on.
Water Testing
Water quality information on Mississippi Lake has been gathered under a variety of programs since 1968, primarily to examine the trophic status of the lake (the amount of biomass present in the lake). Please consult the Table below for definitions of the Status levels.
SQL and Decibel Coalition
Several years ago, the MLA joined an initiative called Safe and Quiet Lakes (SQL). This organization, while focused on lakes in the Muskokas, addresses concerns that many of our lakes share:
• Safe lakes for everyone who wants to use the lake
• Quiet lakes that allow everyone to enjoy the sounds of nature and be able to speak at normal voice levels
• Sustainable environments so that we can all share this resource with future generations