Private Roads
Historically, as large parcels of land fronting on township roads were sub-divided to create lakeside communities, single-lane private roads were carved through pastures and woodlots to reach the new lots. Most communities around the shoreline of Mississippi Lake have evolved in this fashion.
These private roads at some point connect to township roads, but until that point the maintenance and upkeep of the private roads is not a municipality responsibility. Instead, a variety of community / road / ratepayers / etc. associations have been formed to carry out a number of activities such as: clearing snow, replacing surface material, grading, and clearing brush to create turn-outs and improve sight-lines in an effort to make the road safe for residents, guests and service vehicles.
With roughly two-thirds of the shoreline properties suitable for year-round living, private roads must withstand heavy traffic like propane trucks, garbage trucks, and emergency response vehicles.

This section of the website is dedicated to providing information and assistance to property owners on private roads, and to the various Road Associations that have been formed around Mississippi Lake.
On the Road Associations page you will find information relating to the establishment and operation of a Road Association (RA). The MLA's aim is to find, collate, and provide useful information and guidance for review and consideration by RAs. But, when dealing with matters of incorporation, by-laws, insurance, property rights, road ownership, collection of road dues and remedies for non-payment, etc. it is always advisable to seek professional legal advice.
There are approximately 35 different communities/shores around Mississippi Lake that have formed Road Associations of one form or another. Check out the Road and Shore Association Map to see who your neighbors are!