Policy & Benefits
Membership Policy
Membership regulations are specified in general in the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA) and in the Association's By-law. The Board of Directors completed a review of membership practices, and has developed a written policy to better inform Members regarding the rights and benefits of membership. This policy complies with the MLA's new By-law, passed by a Special Resolution of the Members at the 2017 AGM on 18 May 2017.​ View the Membership Policy, updated to 2023 to provide further clarification regarding registration procedures.
Who can be a member?
Individuals - any individual who is interested in the objectives of the MLA and wishes to support our various activities is most welcome to join the Association as a member. There is no limit to the number of individuals who live at the same address - each person 18 years of age or older can join the MLA.
Organizations - any organization such as a Road Association, or business, or other not-for-profit organization or group is welcome to join the MLA to assist in furthering the MLA's objectives.
How long is a membership term?
A membership is valid for one full year starting on the day the MLA receives a name and payment of the fee. For example, if a membership starts on 17 July in a given year, it will be good until 16 July the following year. Applications for membership can be submitted at any time during the year.
What is the membership fee?
The current fee is $15 per membership, approved at the 2024 AGM. This fee forms part of the projected revenue in the annual budget submission to be approved by Resolution at the AGM. The new fee then comes into effect the day after the AGM and remains in effect until the next AGM and budget presentation.
The fee is the same for all members, whether individuals or organizations. Individuals who are part of a Road Association may register directly with the MLA, or via their Road Association. These individuals should check with their Road Association to ensure they are only paying once for a membership.
The Board of Directors strives to maintain as low a membership cost as practicable. However, depending upon the expected revenue from membership, and the intended activities for an upcoming year, it might be necessary from time to time to recommend to the members a different fee.
How to Register
Please visit the How to Join page on this website.
Membership renewal
To avoid lapses in your membership, please note the expiry date and forward the necessary fee for renewal ahead of time. We don't want to lose you as a member! The MLA will post notices on the website and by e-mail at regular times during the year to remind members to renew their memberships.
Membership Benefits
You benefit directly as a member:
you have voting privileges at the Annual General Meetings or any Special Meeting of the MLA, to decide on how the MLA is to be governed and to have a say in MLA activities and priorities;
for Road Associations, you have the same voting privileges and standing as individual members at MLA meetings. These privileges are exercised through the Association's representative, and give an Association the ability to speak for itself at these meetings;
you get a stronger voice and higher profile at meetings between the MLA and municipalities, and other government and non-profit groups, through the MLA's advocacy role to represent the interests of its members. Important issues affecting a great number of the lake community, such as PREP or Safe Roads, can be better addressed through a collective and unified position than as separate individuals;
for Road Associations that register and collect MLA membership fees on behalf of the MLA, a 25% reduction in the membership fee is possible if at least one membership is submitted from each household in that Association. This is the meaning of 100% participation. See the Resolution passed in 2016, at the bottom of the How to Join page on this website.
additional benefits for Road Associations that become MLA Members include:
personal visits by the MLA Road Director to your AGM or monthly meetings, to update your RA on current issues and activities;
regular email updates to RA Directors (President, etc.) about emerging issues and/or new information regarding topics like: wake control, boat speeding and excessive noise, aquatic vegetation (weed) control, etc.
updates via email on safety and emergency response issues such as: Safe Road Access Program; flood plain policies; government response to Flooding situations.
You benefit from the activities that the MLA can undertake with your financial support:
you get a great cautionary buoy program that helps keep our boaters safe on the lake;
you get access to our e-Newsletter, Your Mississippi Minute (we need your email address for this), to keep you informed of lake news and activities.
you get dedicated effort towards maintaining the lake's water quality through the MLA's monitoring program that provieds date to Water Rangers and other government agencies.