Our Organization
The MLA was formed to represent the interests of the residents of our lake community. It is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization. The Board of Directors is elected by the members in accordance with our By-law, and the Directors then elect the Officers of the MLA.
Board of Directors
The MLA Board of Directors consists of MLA members in good standing, 18 years of age or older, who have been duly nominated and elected by the membership of the Association at an Annual General Meeting. The term of service for a Director is two years. There is no limit to the number of terms that a Director may serve. A minimum of five and a maximum of nine Directors are permitted under the Articles of the Association.
The Directors appoint from their number the Officers of the Association to manage the day-to-day affairs of the MLA as directed by the Board. The Officers of the Association form the Executive Committee of the MLA and are: the President; the Vice-President; the Secretary; and the Treasurer.
MLA Director - job description
Nomination and Election Procedures
Rules of Conduct - Board meetings
Rob Bell
Graham Whitelaw
André Langlois
Steve Hall
Chris Winter
Roads Chair
Brian Smith
Boating and Recreation Chair
Communications Chair
Graham Whitelaw
Municipal Relations Chair
Fundraising Chair
Faye Campbell
Membership Chair
Environment Chair
MLA Board of Directors for 2024-2025
Former Directors and Officers
The MLA By-law does not provide for "emeritus" status for past members of the Board of Directors. However, the Board feels that it is most appropriate to recognize the time, effort, and overall dedication on the part of "those that came before us". Accordingly, please see below for our honour roll of past Presidents and Directors since MLA incorporation in 2002.
Past Presidents
Vern Runnels
Frank Mills
Guy Charron
Peter Elliott
Past Directors
Doreen Donald, Anne Gourlay-Langlois, Lynn Bell, Bob Demerath, Ross Button, Henk de Jong, Dave Duncan, Richard Teahen, Melissa Dakers, Carolyn Bredin, Stewart Robertson, Jim Tye, Joanna Luciano, Dave Hands, David du Feu, Bryan Edwards, Ed Carew, Jo Ellen Beattie, John Coburn, John Miller, Lorna Drummond, Patricia Drennan, Charlie White, Chris Winter, Jim Jenkins, Kim Anderson, Guy Charron, Margaret McEwen, Rick Kwissa, Gary Patterson, Donna Nesbitt
Committees or Teams
Until May 2015, the affairs of the Association were managed by a single committee, which was the Executive Committee. However, with the launching of the Mississippi Lake Plan in 2015, it became evident that a more elaborate management structure would be required. As a result, three new Committees were struck, each empowered to act in accordance with its terms of references. Two other Committees were later struck to address private road issues and to focus on the MLA's relationship with the four municipalities around the lake. The latest Committee, Fundraising, was struck in 2023 to coordinate all revenue generating activities. All Committees report to the Board on a regular basis for further guidance and direction. A Director is normally appointed as Chair of each Committee.
The MLA currently has six standing Committees/Teams:
Boating and Recreation
Private Roads
Municipal Relations