Living by the Lake
Living on the shores of Mississippi Lake, the proximity to nature is ever present. Whether we enjoy water sports and fishing in all seasons, watching the ever-changing face of the lake or just like to enjoy the haunting sounds of the loons on a summer evening while we watch a perfect sunset, we are all part of something wonderful that we want to cherish and protect.​

The Challenge to Living by the Lake is to find a balance between our desire to experience the natural beauty of the lake and its fragile ecosystem while living a life of comfort and safety. When we make our homes next to the lake, we need to be conscious of how we design and build them. We need to understand that everything we use and apply on our properties, is eventually washed into the lake with rain and snow runoff. And we need to know how to live in harmony with both our neighbors and Mother Nature.
So whether or not you are new to the lake or you have enjoyed lake life in a generational cottage/home you realize that rural living on the shores of Mississippi Lake demands a different approach and some unique skill sets. Many of us will be looking for answers and advice from time to time to deal with emerging issues and as a community service, the MLA tries to help you navigate your way to answers.