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Results of FOCA 2019 Road Survey

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Safe Roads Access


GOOD NEWS:   In January, 2025 MVCA pubished a substantially revised set of maps for roadways around Mississippi Lake, showing the road sections that are still considered "unsafe' because the elevation is more than 30cm below the 1:100 year flood plain level.  The "red" sections are much fewer in number but still represent stretchs worthy of condideration for improvement. The MVCA website has extensive instructions on how to apply for permits to improve road sections, and MLA will develop further guidance for Road Associations.


View the new maps on the MVCA website


We wish to keep you informed on our progress with the MVCA study on the Safe Roads Access Act.  Graham Whitelaw (MLA Municipal Relations Chair) and Chris Winter (MLA Private Roads Chair) had a meeting in Jun 2023 with the two key people at the MVCA reviewing the complete Mississippi Watershed flood control program.


The MVCA has committed to provide the MLA with a review of the affected roads around Mississippi Lake based on the Safe Roads policy. During this meeting they outlined the progress they have made on what data they will share with us.  Our original ask was to get a list of the roads affected by the policy in order to inform all our Road Associations of the status of their individual roads. To our delight we were informed that they are prepared to provide much more details about the affected roads right down to the PIN of each resident. What I can share right now is that there are 20 roads that are affected by the policy. 


You can view the Jun 2023 MVCA interim response to Safe Road Access, including answers to MLA's questions and a summary of  the technical criteria to determine safe access.


The MVCA is acutely aware of the implications of declaring a property as 'unsafe' access, and as such has recommended to us to delay their report to include a new dataset that will update their floodplain map. This dataset will allow them to give you the additional information of the actual depth of the roadway each PIN would have to meet to be declared 'Safe'.  They estimate it will take until the end of this year to complete the update and provide the MLA with the new information. We would ask for your patience to receive our report.

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